Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Hm. You know, life would be a lot easier if there were no managers around.

My manager is fairly good, though. He buffers the "input" from other managers well. Even so, it is a bit easier when he's not around; then, when other managers pull me into a meeting and try to get me to agree to work on this "little side project" for their group, I can just say, "Well, I can't agree to anything without making sure Rodney's ok with it first." And then the issue gets put off a bit (sometimes indefinitely).

When Rodney *is* around, then the issue has to be resolved, and there are usually compromises involved. It becomes one of those days when you feel like you would've gotten more done if you hadn't gone to work in the first place.

Today is quickly becoming one of those days, unfortunately. Maybe I'll leave early... hmm...

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