Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Outlook enhancements

When responding to a meeting invite, Outlook gives you three options:
  • Accept
  • Tentative
  • Decline
I need more than that:
  • Accept enthusiastically because I'm not missing free food.
  • Accept because I have nothing better to do.
  • Accept because I'll end up in a lot of trouble if I don't.
  • Accept because I want to look like I'm taking you seriously but I'm planning on skipping the meeting at the last second.
  • Tentatively accept because I'm too chicken to decline and I'm hoping something else comes up.
  • Decline because it's more comfortable to sleep in my cube than in your meeting.
  • Decline because the last thing I need is more meetings and I don't fear any retribution from you or your team.
  • Decline because what you're proposing is a damn waste of time.
In addition, I want a checkbox to appear if any of the "Decline" options are selected: [ ] Decline with prejudice.

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